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Course 3- Threat Actors and Social Engineering Quiz

1. Your work supervisor messages you to request access to some private company files. You find this suspicious and believe it is a social engineering attempt. Which principle of social engineering is showcased?
2. An advertisement you receive through email has the following message, “9 out of 10 dentists recommend this toothpaste, get yours today while supplies last!” Attached to the email is a link to a clearly malicious website, signifying that the advertisement was an attack. Which two principles of social engineering were used?
3. An employee who used to work for your company was fired a month ago and works for a competitor now. They message you to ask how the company is doing and ask about the company's specific plans. What is this an example of?
4. Your company, a technology company, has been attacked. The attacker was able to compromise fairly secure systems, disrupting some operations. However, the attacker's main target was the company's money, which they were able to steal. Which type of threat actor were you most likely attacked by?